Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Montage

Since I don't know how to put captions by the pictures yet they are as follows bottom to top.
1. Phoebe Jane announcing the performances.
2. Will & Nikki singing "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth"
3. Abby playing the keyboard with Faith, Brianne & Will intently watching
4. The Angels - Lucy, Brianne & Chloe
5. Joseph with baby Jesus & Mary - Collin, Rylie & Nikki

I really do have the most beautiful grandchildren!

Merry Christmas

This Christmas has been full of picture perfect moments. I have mentally cataloged many highlights from the fun festivities I have enjoyed this holiday season from school programs, piano & dance recitals to Christmas parties.

Our family party could not have been better. Angie & Kurt graciously opened there beautiful home for our get together. They had created a picture perfect Christmas atmosphere from the massive fresh tree with over 1,800 lights to the stockings hung by the fire. Thank you Angie & Kurt for letting us enjoy your home! Gifts exchanged, children playing, adults visiting were all great but I loved seeing my beautiful grandchildren portray the Nativity with such reverence. It truly left me in awe.

Attending the Syracuse friend party is always something I look forward to. Good food, good friends and an abundance of laughter are all part of the reason this is such an annual favorite. This year was doubly fun because we got to go to two friend parties. Thanks Tami & Steve for making it in from Issaquah, WA!

Abby & Phoebe had a piano recital the end of November and I absolutely loved being able to hear them perform. My favorite was when they played a duet. It was great! They both are very good pianists. Do all grandmothers think that their grandchildren are the best one at the recital?

I had a moment of deja vu when I was watching Chloe perform at her dance recital. I remembered watching Jenny at the basketball games & thinking that she had such grace & talent as a dancer. Daughter like mother.

I was able to attend Collin & Torin’s, Nikki & Christian’s singing programs at their schools. I LOVED going to these this year! The children are all so adorable. It is fun to see their different personalities come out as they perform. Christian kept his head down the entire program looking like he wished the audience would just go away. I was so surprised when at the very end of the preschool program he jumped right up went straight to the microphone and said with such enthusiasm & glee “Merry Christmas”.

I think there is a song that compares memories to faded photographs. Sometimes in looking back, we pick and choose what we want to remember but while this Christmas 2008 is still vivid & bright I want to say that this Christmas was indeed very Merry!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving Memories

Thanksgiving 2008: Grandma Bev's 82nd birthday and the first year without her. Bittersweet. I have had loss before so I know that the hard part comes the months after the loved one is gone. After all of the caring concern quiets. It comes when least expected. While stirring a batch of caramels, shopping, sitting in the front rows at church, in mom's empty home, sharing Thanksgiving with mom's posterity. I love and miss mom.

As we went around the table this year saying what we were thankful I was touched by so many who shared. Jillary said the most wonderful things about myself and each of my siblings - it was very thoughtful. Joan seemed very grateful that we returned to her home for Thanksgiving. She always makes the most wonderful holiday celebration! Velma brought birthday presents from Bev . They were treasures from Bev's home. It was fun to get a surprise. What a wonderful day spent with family. A day filled with love.

Probably the highlight of my day was when my 6 year old grandson Camden said what he was thankful for. "Heavenly Father and Jesus and my three Grandmas". Melt my heart. I never realized how mom felt about my children until I became a grandma. It is as if you can see the hope of the future in your posterity. You see all that is good and wonderful about these young people who call you grandma.

Mom lived a good life. She taught me to love. She was a good teacher & now my grandchildren continue to be my teachers. Grandchildren really do complete the circle of love.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Just a few quotes on Gratitude which I thought worth sharing:

I do not know of any, excepting the unpardonable sin that is greater than the sin of ingratitude. President Brigham Young

In our daily lives, we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy.

True gratitude is the ability to humbly see, feel and even receive love. Gratitude is a form of returning love to God. Recognize His hand; tell Him so express your love to Him. As you come to truly know the Lord, you will find an intimate, sacred relationship built on trust. You will come to know He understands your anguish and will, in compassion, always respond to you in love.
Gene R. Cook

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Lucky #7 Tag

7 things I can do...

1- eat my weight in See’s butterscotch squares
2- crochet bun holders
3- make yummy caramels, just as good as my moms
4- find good in almost everyone
5- troll stores for the best bargains
6- get by on four or five hours of sleep at night
7- usually be happy

7 things I can't do...

1- hair
2- make up
3- keep a tidy house
4- memorize
5- knit
6- make jewelry
7- sing

7 things I always say...

1- yes
2- okay
3- sounds good
4- you bet
5- whatever
6- I don’t remember
7- Did I already tell you...

7 things I always eat...

1- Simple Harvest all natural multi-grain cereal
2- Dove Dark chocolate
3- Zucchini
4- Dole Grapefruit
5- Del Taco chicken soft taco
6- Broccoli
7- Sautéed sweet potatoes

7 people I tag...

1- Michelle
2- Angie N.
3- Deb D.
4- Marci
5- Kellie
6- Lianne
7- Amy N.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sweetheart Tag

What is your husband’s name? Dennis Scott Arnell

How long have you guys been married? 37 years

How long did you date? A year

How old is he? 59

Who is taller? Dennis by 1 inch

Who can sing best? He does

Who is smarter? Dennis

Who does the laundry? Me, but he will do his in a pinch.

Who pays the bills? I do. Den called me the CFO of our family the other day.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? OK this question made my head spin. Is it the right side of the bed when you are looking at it or when you are in bed? Do you see where I am going with this? I sleep to Den’s right.

Who mows the lawn? Dennis but we both hate ALL yard work.

Who cooks dinner? Me.

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Dennis is NEVER wrong. He has a great memory. I can & I do count on one hand how many times he has been wrong in the past 37½ years. We are up to 3.

Who kissed who first? I am so embarrassed to say that I don’t remember our first kiss – too old or not memorable? Either is a bit sad.

Who wears the pants? He does, but I can get my way whenever I need to. I can be quite beguiling :)

I tagged myself on this & tag anyone else who may want to participate

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Triplets

In 2006 Den & I had 3 grandchildren born within a month of each other. I like to call them the triplets. They are now 2 years old and boy are they cuties! We are headed to a birthday celebration for them this Saturday & I can’t believe how excited I am to be able to shower them with presents. I wish that “my time” is what I could shower them with instead. I love being with my family. The joy I feel from being with them is really indescribable.

It has been fun for me to watch these three little ones grow and develop. Little Odie is the oldest of the triplets but the youngest in his family. The caboose of his family he has never lacked for love or attention. His wizened parents realize all too well how quickly time flies by so they have cherished every moment and every milestone with Owen. One of my favorite memories with Odie is the last birthday celebration we had at our home when I broke out the cake & ice cream & started dishing it out. Owen came right in beside me & stood there with his arms folded just looking adorable & waiting patiently for his turn. It is one of those memories that I am sure I will still be talking about when I’m old & gray. It absolutely melted my heart. He was so precious. When I commented about it to his family his oldest sister, 12 year old Abby, just looked at me and said, “He knows exactly what he is doing. He knows that if he sits there looking cute long enough that he will get whatever he wants.” I still think Owen is adorable, innocent & sweet. Abby may be right but I will give any of my grandchildren whatever they want just because they are ALL that CUTE!

Landon is the next of the triplets and today is his birthday. Happy Birthday big boy! It has been such a great treat to have him & his family here this week. I know that I am the grandma and therefore prejudiced but how many 2 year olds do you know who know all of their letters, numbers & colors & can count to 10? I know that each of my grandchildren is brilliant, but this little guy applies that intellect. I think that this says as much about Landon’s parents as it does about him. They are mindful of making life the classroom and they make learning fun. Last night before we could get into the car Landon had to touch the license plate pointing to each number and saying “six – three – four”. How cute is that? Grandpa has won Landon over more than I have so I am very jealous that I didn't think of bribing him with the leftover Halloween candy first. Landon & I both do love our chocolate! Brilliant, adorable and loves chocolate what a deadly combination.

Faith is the girl in the triplet gang & I know she came to her family at a perfect time. I believe that she has lived up to her name & then some. She has given us all a little extra faith at a time in our lives that it was needed. Faith has just the right mix of sweet & sassy. There is something about a wee little toddler calling “grandma” that gets me every time. Faith has been talking well for several months & it never ceases to amaze me. My kids didn’t start talking until they were two. Anyway, that is the sweet Faith. The sassy Faith cracks me up. She has this little habit when she is mad. Faith wants to stick her tongue out but she knows she is not supposed to. She will open her mouth & stick her tongue up in a bubble shape behind her teeth & then give you “the look”. When I see her doing it I have to turn my head because I just want to laugh. My grandkids are adorable even when a little sassy.

I know that I am truly biased as far as my grandchildren go but there is something remarkably special about each and everyone of them. Thanks to my wonderful children for giving me the most amazing grandchildren in the world!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Somewhere over the Rainbows

What would be the pot of gold at the end of your rainbow?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Mean people Suck

I can still my son, his turquoise hair in dreads, strolling down the road a big rottweiler dog in tow, wearing his t-shirt emblazoned with Mean People Suck. This boy, my first son, is the complete opposite of mean people. Brandon is a kind, loving person. Brandon reminds me of his uncle Roger, which in my opinion, is one of the highest compliments any person can receive.

One of the cutest little boys ever, with white blonde hair, short little bowed legs & an infectious smile & giggle which were all very endearing. From the time Brandon was little he wanted to be on the go. He was my little guy that had to be carried around in a backpack while I was doing my jobs. He didn’t want to be left alone ever. He always wanted to be where the action was. When he was just a little toddler, probably around eighteen months, my brother-in-law Dave was watching Brandon play & he said “That kid doesn’t let anything stop him. If there’s an obstacle in his way he just puts it in four-wheel drive & keeps on going”.

From the time Brandon was young he lived full throttle. He loved playing outside with his buddies. I don’t remember any toys Brandon ever really played with. It was always sports. Soccer, football, baseball & basketball were the favorite pastime of the cul-de-sac gang. Brandon is an excellent athlete! Anything he tries he does well. It was always a pleasure to watch him play.

I have been told before that Brandon is a lot like me. Well, of course I think of that as such a compliment to me. Kind, loving, Brandon, then my brain goes to all of my weaknesses. Is Brandon my mirror there as well? Can a person be too laid back? Too easy going? Is being content a fault?

I have actually been pondering these questions quite a bit lately. Ever since my brother said “Women are never satisfied”. I suggested that not being satisfied was a personality trait not a gender issue. In your opinion which would you rather be always striving for excellence, ungrateful & discontent, never happy with the status quo or to be grateful, content & lack ambition? Would you rather ere on the side of driven or lazy?

Driven, ambitious, lazy, laid back whatever your style always remember to just be kind, like my Brandon, because, well … you know… mean people, they suck.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Picture this

I hate myself in pictures! Always have. I don’t know if my idea of what I look like is so superior to anything that I see reflected back or if I just really am not photogenic. Marci, so kindly I might add, posted this picture of me from mom’s funeral & every time I see it I think “who is that old, wrinkly, dark haired woman”? Oh, yeah it’s me.

In my mind I am blonde, beautiful & usually 10 pounds lighter. How do you picture yourself?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dream on

In my Alchemist class they teach you to reach for your dreams, to visualize and create them. I love this concept & I think that it can happen. My problem … I don’t know what my dreams are. I don’t even remember the dreams I have at night! Have I become so realistic, tired, boring or old that I no longer have dreams? Is the status quo so comfortable that I don’t strive for more?

As a child I wanted to be a ballerina. As a teen I thought I was possibly going to be a famous fashion designer or a world renowned chef. In high school it was a physical therapist. I always was certain that whatever my future occupation I would be rich & famous. Is prosperity the dream?

My dreams may have not been fulfilled in the manner I had envisioned when I was younger but I can tell you that I still have a point that would make most ballerinas envious (thank you dad for my high arches). I can make a mean Halloween costume. I may not be a famous fashion designer but my sewing can bring a smile to a grandchild. Cooking & baking bring me joy. I definitely make nothing gourmet but I accept any grilled cheese sandwich challenge out there.

Why dream when you love what you have?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It’s Autumn Time

I love this time of year! Everything from cool nights & mornings, colorful changing scenery, bounteous harvests, bright orange pumpkins & savory dishes baking are just a few of my favorites.

I am thankful to finally be able to bake whatever I want without overheating the entire house. Usually on Sundays when I make dinner rolls I save a little dough to make cinnamon rolls. They are one of my favorite treats & they smell so good. I shared a few with Angie’s family & I guess Christian scolded her. He declared: “Mom, don’t ever bring cinnamon rolls home from grandmas again! Dad is going to get too fat to play sports with me!”

I think of fall as the heralding of the holidays & spending more time with family. Fall is definitely my favorite season. What is yours? Why?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Michelle Arnell oldest child, my daughter, we rhymed her name. What were we thinking? Thankfully she got married & her name is no longer a sonnet.

I remember as a young newlywed wondering what it would be like to be a mother. Would I know what to do, how would I care for a child, what if I didn’t know what they needed? Would I even be able to have children? What was ahead for me? For those of you who know my family you may be surprised to know that we tried for over six months to get pregnant before our first was conceived. I luckily had very easy pregnancies & even with my first I think that I really enjoyed being pregnant. I loved the changes my body made & I loved feeling life inside of me.

As I reflect on my pregnancy journeys I realize that they each were very unique. I was never disappointed in the process. From conception to delivery the whole procedure is a beautiful, sacred gift. How can anyone who has given birth deny God? In my mind there can only be one source of such a miraculous procedure?

My beautiful baby girl is now a mother herself & is currently in her 3rd trimester carrying her 4th child & my 16th grandchild. My relationship with this beautiful daughter of mine has always been more than just mother, daughter. I have always felt like Michelle was the older, wiser spirit in this relationship. She taught me how to be a mom. She was the guinea pig, the one we probably made the most mistakes with but in spite of that she has grown into one of the most disciplined, hard working, loving individuals.

As a child Michelle loved to be in charge. She played school and was the teacher to her siblings & many of the neighborhood kids. She would do well with all of her pupils except one, stubborn, Chad Sims, who did not like to obey, teacher, Michelle. She currently puts her teaching skills to great use with her children & has organized the best home reading program in the state at Farrer Elementary!

I don’t know why this is something I feel the need to share but I think it may show her great business skills. From the time the kids were very young when they would go trick-or-treating they would come home dump the candy on the floor & then the bartering would begin. Michelle was a pro; “I will give 3 of these pieces of gum for just 1 chocolate bar”. What young child wouldn’t go for 3 for 1 – both parties were usually happy with the negotiations. Anyway I think that Michelle is probably one of the best employees any employer could have. She sees issues and concerns & suggests solutions. I admire her tenacity & her loyalty. She is one of the hardest working people I know. She accomplishes more in one day than I do in a week.

When Michelle was a teenager I had a dear friend say about her; “Michelle, is pretty near perfect”. I agree.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Never Say Never…

Never Say Never… when our oldest children were toddlers some 25 years ago. Oh man, I am old! Anyway, I remember being absolutely appalled by children who would bite. How could their mother’s allow such behavior? I would NEVER tolerate such behavior! Well, that’s all it took Grandma Tueller had warned me “never say never” but I had to learn for myself. Fast forward a few years - very few - seeing that child number 5 was born when child number 1 was still 6 anyway that is another post & she did turn 7 a month after baby 5 was born. I digress… as you may have guessed child 5 was a BITER! I had a dear friend who worked in the Primary with me & some years after our children had moved on from nursery she confessed to me that her daughter was terrified to go into nursery if my son was there. Mother & daughter would peek in the nursery & if “sharp tooth” was there Katie got to go with mom that day.

Those of you who know my child number 5 he is the sweetest, kindest person even as a child he was tender hearted. I just don’t think he realized how mean biting was. I feel that I should include here that I knew he was a biter but I wasn’t always aware of those he bit & I certainly seemed at a loss to help him stop. I had a brother-in-law who bit one of the other nieces or nephews – not even his child – to try to teach the child that biting hurts. Luckily for that brother-in-law he didn’t try that on my son. Not a teaching method I agreed with.

Anyway I want to say that I learned a few things from this experience. First, of course is “never say never”. Call it karma, what goes around comes around or anything you want but when you say to yourself I will “never whatever” it is as if the universe takes that as a personal challenge & says “oh we will see”. Second is that sometimes being oblivious is bliss. I would have been mortified if I had known that my son was the nursery bully. Somehow it wasn’t quite as bad finding out after the fact. Probably last is to try not to criticize someone else’s parenting. I think most of us are trying our best most of the time. Parenting is not for the faint of heart, but as a mother whose 7 babies are all now adults it is certainly worth it!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Man

I just decided today that since my family is what brings me the most JOY in this life I shall blog about them. I will be starting of course with my sweetheart, of 38 years. (We have only been married 37 years but we were sweethearts a year before marrying.)

Let me list a few of the qualities I like about this man of mine. First, I love that he has a strong testimony of the gospel, that he has a love for family & that he adores me in his own curious way. His bald little head, his twinkling eyes & his broad shoulders are all very endearing to me.

Did I mention that I am quite sure that he is the best athlete on the planet? Let me tell you he can sink a corner baseline shot in basketball every time, he can place a softball anywhere on the field but usually chooses his trademark first baseline . Did you know that his reactions are so quick that when he was a teenager riding a horse in the Fiesta Days Parade in Farmington that he got off his horse & caught his youngest brother age 3 or 4 at the time, who was falling off his own horse & headed to the ground.

My man is a very hard worker usually working ten to seventeen hours daily during softball season. He serves diligently in any church calling he has, he is one of the most devoted ward choir members I know. He is gentle & loving. I have found this tender side just within the last few years as he has a dear friend whose health is failing. He pays weekly visits to & lovingly serves this friend.

I appreciate that my sweetheart doesn’t condemn people? He understands that we all have our own issues we need to work on.

I have joked that when the remote is missing he gets a little berserk but when there is a real problem he is as calm as can be. When he gets angry, he blows, and then it is done. He does not hold a grudge or ever bring up past stuff.

I love how he looks when he sees his grandchildren running to him shouting grandpa & I can’t think of anyone I would rather grow old with. I adore him.

Monday, September 22, 2008

My blog is finally created thank you Marci, Regi & Michelle! I will be the first to admit that I am a little slow in the technology arena. I can't even get on to comment on others blogs most of the time. Who would think that I spend 8 hours a day, 5 days a week using a computer at work? I do however, know the programs I operate at work but anything else on the computer - not so much.

It feels like I should have something wise to say for my maiden blog but I am certainly not sure what that would be. I will therefore answer a few burning questions.

Why do I want to blog? I have been reading others for a few years now & they are fun, enlightening & I enjoy them.

What's up with my blog title? Well, one of my coworkers, a young man, who I can only assume realized my total awesomeness nick named me Debalicious & I like it. Break it down Deb A & delicious! From Meriam Webster: Delicious 1 : affording great pleasure : delightful I believe in the power of positive thought so I want to be Debalicous, a delightful Deb A.

A few facts about me: I am 56 years old, mother of 7 & grandmother of 16. I have a husband whom I adore! I have the most beautiful children & grandchildren, my life is full of love & joy!