Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dream on

In my Alchemist class they teach you to reach for your dreams, to visualize and create them. I love this concept & I think that it can happen. My problem … I don’t know what my dreams are. I don’t even remember the dreams I have at night! Have I become so realistic, tired, boring or old that I no longer have dreams? Is the status quo so comfortable that I don’t strive for more?

As a child I wanted to be a ballerina. As a teen I thought I was possibly going to be a famous fashion designer or a world renowned chef. In high school it was a physical therapist. I always was certain that whatever my future occupation I would be rich & famous. Is prosperity the dream?

My dreams may have not been fulfilled in the manner I had envisioned when I was younger but I can tell you that I still have a point that would make most ballerinas envious (thank you dad for my high arches). I can make a mean Halloween costume. I may not be a famous fashion designer but my sewing can bring a smile to a grandchild. Cooking & baking bring me joy. I definitely make nothing gourmet but I accept any grilled cheese sandwich challenge out there.

Why dream when you love what you have?


Shell Bell said...

You are such an optimist. I love it. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face.

Angie said...

You are so stinking cute Mom. Love ya