Monday, September 22, 2008

My blog is finally created thank you Marci, Regi & Michelle! I will be the first to admit that I am a little slow in the technology arena. I can't even get on to comment on others blogs most of the time. Who would think that I spend 8 hours a day, 5 days a week using a computer at work? I do however, know the programs I operate at work but anything else on the computer - not so much.

It feels like I should have something wise to say for my maiden blog but I am certainly not sure what that would be. I will therefore answer a few burning questions.

Why do I want to blog? I have been reading others for a few years now & they are fun, enlightening & I enjoy them.

What's up with my blog title? Well, one of my coworkers, a young man, who I can only assume realized my total awesomeness nick named me Debalicious & I like it. Break it down Deb A & delicious! From Meriam Webster: Delicious 1 : affording great pleasure : delightful I believe in the power of positive thought so I want to be Debalicous, a delightful Deb A.

A few facts about me: I am 56 years old, mother of 7 & grandmother of 16. I have a husband whom I adore! I have the most beautiful children & grandchildren, my life is full of love & joy!


Amy said...

Hurray! I love your blog aunt Deb...Love the name too! I have to admit when I first read it, I thought it might have something to do with the fact that everything you make is delicious!

Shell Bell said...

I can't believe Amy read your blog and commented before me. You even told me you had posted. I also love your blog. Now you can blog one time and not worry who you told what to. Hope you have fun with it.

Becky A said...

look at you go! very cute. Great job, and thanks for commenting on my blog, finally...

Amy Beatty said...

Yeah for Debalicious!!!!