Monday, October 13, 2008

Picture this

I hate myself in pictures! Always have. I don’t know if my idea of what I look like is so superior to anything that I see reflected back or if I just really am not photogenic. Marci, so kindly I might add, posted this picture of me from mom’s funeral & every time I see it I think “who is that old, wrinkly, dark haired woman”? Oh, yeah it’s me.

In my mind I am blonde, beautiful & usually 10 pounds lighter. How do you picture yourself?


Amy said...

I picture you blond well as myself! I love reading your posts..I've been a little hesitant to comment, I still haven't decided my favorite season!

Shell Bell said...

I really like the picture on your blog. I am however used to seeing you blond and so that is how I picture you. As for myself, I know exactly what I look like and currently it isn't my favorite state. However, I am trying to enjoy life in this ever expanding body. Less than 2 months left!

Amy Beatty said...

I think you always look. In fact the very first time I saw you I thought you must be Dave's mom. Just because Michelle had told me that she was from a large family. And you certainly looked way too good and young to be the one who had so many kids. And you always have the cutest outfits. The last time I saw you, you had orange toes nails. I have been planning on copying you on that, but haven't gotten around to it yet. I would have never of that on my own, that orange just looked so darn cute.

Amy Beatty said...

LOOK GOOD! I can't believe I skipped right over that main word.

Debbie said...

Amy, you are too SWEET! I love pedicures. They are my absolute favorite guilty pleasure.