Monday, November 17, 2008

Sweetheart Tag

What is your husband’s name? Dennis Scott Arnell

How long have you guys been married? 37 years

How long did you date? A year

How old is he? 59

Who is taller? Dennis by 1 inch

Who can sing best? He does

Who is smarter? Dennis

Who does the laundry? Me, but he will do his in a pinch.

Who pays the bills? I do. Den called me the CFO of our family the other day.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? OK this question made my head spin. Is it the right side of the bed when you are looking at it or when you are in bed? Do you see where I am going with this? I sleep to Den’s right.

Who mows the lawn? Dennis but we both hate ALL yard work.

Who cooks dinner? Me.

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Dennis is NEVER wrong. He has a great memory. I can & I do count on one hand how many times he has been wrong in the past 37½ years. We are up to 3.

Who kissed who first? I am so embarrassed to say that I don’t remember our first kiss – too old or not memorable? Either is a bit sad.

Who wears the pants? He does, but I can get my way whenever I need to. I can be quite beguiling :)

I tagged myself on this & tag anyone else who may want to participate


Angie said...

Your so cute Mom. I can't think of many times Dad has been wrong in my life either. And I'm with you on the bed question...I felt all anxious just thinking about it while I read it. :)

Becky A said...

cute post!